Talcum Powder Linked to Ovarian Cancer
“A sprinkle a day keeps the odor away…Have you had your sprinkle today?” So went the 1980s jingle for Johnson & Johnson’s Shower to Shower, a talcum powder-based product women were advised to use to prevent “feminine odor.” For many decades women heeded this advice, using products containing talc to stay “fresh.” Now it’s 2017 and more than 2,000 American women are suing, or have sued, the $70.07 billion earning company. Why? Well, strong links between talcum powder and ovarian cancer have been alleged. While Johnson & Johnson denies any connection between its products and cancer, juries, in the last year or so, have awarded multimillion-dollar settlements to several women and a $72 million wrongful death settlement to a woman’s family.
Johnson & Johnson may say its product is perfectly safe, but the World Health Organization (WHO) considers talc to be “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” And as recently as 2015, the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer found talc use increased the risk of ovarian cancer by anywhere from 30 to 60 percent. If that’s not enough, a bombshell dropped by a plaintiff’s attorney in one of the lawsuits, an internal memo written by a Johnson & Johnson medical consultant, said: “Anybody who denies” the link between ovarian cancer and talcum powder was “denying the obvious in the face of all evidence to the contrary.”
Manufacturers, no matter how wealthy and powerful they may be, need to be held accountable if their products cause people harm. If you’ve been diagnosed with ovarian cancer or lost a loved one to the dreaded disease, you deserve to be compensated. To get the settlement you and your family deserve, contact the experienced Wilmington talcum powder injury attorneys at Wilmington’s Rhine Law Firm, P.C. Call (910) 772-9960 for a free consultation.
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Rhine Law Firm, P.C. serves clients throughout North Carolina and nationwide, specializing in complex civil litigation led by Joel Rhine. With expertise in personal injury, car accidents, property damage, sex abuse, and more, the firm is passionate about taking on challenging cases. They emphasize providing personalized legal representation, prioritizing their clients’ best interests while offering state-of-the-art legal strategies. Rhine Law Firm’s dedicated attorneys enjoy the fight for justice and are committed to guiding clients through complicated legal processes. The firm offers free consultations, flexible appointment scheduling, and Spanish language services.