Jacksonville Car Accident Attorney

Jacksonville, North Carolina, is located in Onslow County. The area is home to the United States Marine Corps Camp Lejeune and the New River Air Station. Both have led to a significant military and veteran presence in the area.

Jacksonville is known for heavy vehicle traffic, and accidents are common. If this has happened to you, you could be entitled to compensation if another party was at fault. Our team of car accident attorneys at The Rhine Law Firm, LLC can help you aggressively pursue the damages you deserve following your accident.

Working with a car accident lawyer is important

You are not obligated to hire an attorney following a motor vehicle accident. You have the right to pursue compensation on your own, including negotiating with the insurance company and its attorneys. However, while you have the right, it does not mean it is in your best interest. Our team of car accident lawyers could help you secure the fair outcome you deserve in the following ways:

  • Investigating your accident. Understanding how a crash occurred is an essential part of any personal injury case. Our firm can review police reports, speak to witnesses, and evaluate other pieces of evidence such as dash cam footage before determining who was at fault.
  • Negotiating a settlement. Many car accident claims conclude through a personal injury settlement. It typically involves the other party or their insurance carrier offering a monetary payment in exchange for the promise not to file a lawsuit.
  • Litigating your case. A lawsuit is often necessary for a successful car accident injury case. Even if your case does not ultimately go to trial, filing a lawsuit and moving forward with litigation could force the other side to make a reasonable settlement offer.

Courthouses in Jacksonville

Not every town in North Carolina has a courthouse. However, in Jacksonville, there are two. Both play an important role in civil and criminal cases filed throughout the county. First, there is a Superior Courthouse located at 625 Court Street in Jacksonville. There is also a District Courthouse located at 602 Anne Street. Information about both courthouses is available at the North Carolina Judicial Branch website.

Contact us at The Rhine Law Firm for a free consultation

If you were injured in a car accident, there is no time to delay. The sooner the accident is thoroughly investigated, the sooner you could recover the financial compensation you deserve.

You do not have to navigate the legal system alone. Our Injury attorneys in Jacksonville, NC, could help you hold the negligent driver accountable for their actions. Founded in 2016, we have devoted our practice to assisting clients, specializing in those who were seriously injured. As a result, we’ve helped hundreds of individuals rebuild their lives after an accident. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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  • National Practice with a Local Presence

  • Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Won

  • Over 30 Years of Experience

  • Experienced, Thorough & Dedicated Attorneys

  • Spanish-Speaking Services Available

  • Evening & Weekend Appointments Available Upon Request

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